Our Little Man made it to his first birthday! We are so relieved because trust me, we had our doubts. Some days it seemed like he was just TRYING to crack his baby head open! I am guessing this will only get worse as he perfects his running skills. (so excited for running.....)

He got LOTS of snacks for his birthday....I guess people know our Logy better than we thought!! But at his doctor appointment today he had actually LOST a few ounces from about a month ago when he was at the doctor for a cold! I think it must be from all of the running around he has been doing! He is now 23 lbs and 7oz (60%) and 31 inches long(80%) and I don't remember what his head
circumference is(and I can't find the paper Dr.
Boe gives us with his measurements, oops!) but he is in the 50
th percentile. Such a relief...last time his head measurement was way higher than his body measurements...and I'm thinking that as he gets less top heavy we will have fewer head to corner incidents!

Logan LOVED having all of his little buddies over for the party...but I think he was a bit concerned when i put his snack bowl on the floor so he could share....you know how he is about snacks!
haha All of the babies are getting
soooo big...Stop growing!

The only thing Logan is not enjoying right now is being in communication limbo...he knows what he wants and he knows that he wants to say it but when he tries it still comes out in
jibberish...so that has brought about a few sad faces (cough, temper tantrums, cough). But I think he is being too hard on himself....he can do all of the important ones like Mom and Daddy and when we do flash cards it sounds a lot like he is getting the hang of dog, which is his favorite card. I know I have been a blog slacker this summer but I am really going to try to keep everyone updated because Logan really is changing everyday!