Lynley had a temperature of 105 for the better part of Tuesday. 105?!?!? After a traumatic trip to the doctor's office during the day and then a trip to the ER that night she is starting to feel better! Thank goodness!
I am starting to crawl out of my workout for 2 days + a crazy 3 year old + a poor sick baby girl = a crazier Bradshaw household than normal. Even Logan is asking to go work out. Ha! The kid loves those exercise endorphins! (and the train table in the Kids Klub)
Here are a couple of pictures from our recent Kobe (hibachi grill) experience. Logan kept telling people to stop, drop and roll (fire safety week in pre-school) when the chef would make a flame on the grill. He also called the chef a ninja turtle. Everything is exciting to a 3 year old...

You can always count on my little brother to throw the deuces when no one else will.

Cutest girl ever. Seriously!

This has nothing to do with this husband is just the sweetest and brings me awesome no reason gifts home from business trips! Logan of course took complete credit for this gift. A week later he is still asking "you like dat watch my got you?" hahaha!
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