So I ran a 5K last weekend with some awesome ladies (see below!)
This race was extra special because it was in memory of my friend, Brooke's, baby girl Charlotte Victoria! Baby Charlotte lost her battle with Charge Syndrome in February and spent most of her time here on Earth @ the Children's Hospital in Chicago. This 5k raised money for the NEW Children's hospital! Raising 1,000 dollars would have put Charlotte's name on a plaque in the hospital but Brooke was able to raise FOUR THOUSAND!!! Talk about a Mama on a mission.
I think it's so awesome that Brooke does things like this to keep Charlotte's memory alive. Every time I see the color pink I think of that gorgeous little girl and her incredible journey.
I wasn't sure if I should make a post about this since it's not MY story to tell but decided to because of the HUGE impact Charlotte's journey had on our family. We never got to meet baby girl but through her story we drew closer to each other, to God and realized how truly blessed we are! I want to always be able to read back on our blog and remember the sweet girl that changed us forever!

Team Charlotte runners and one REALLY FAST walker! There were I think 5 more walkers not pictured!!
PS- Brooke and I both PR'd in the pouring rain! My official time was 25:09-- Miss Charlotte must have known we'd all be extra motivated to cross the finish line if we were cold and wet!
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