Sunday, November 17, 2013

2 Weeks

Lane had his two week check up today- everything looked great and he gained a whole pound....tipping the scales at 8lbs 5oz;) 
These two joined us for their own doctors appointments....we took them in for coughs and ended up with an ear infection diagnosis for them both! Grape flavored amoxicillin to the rescue. (How do neither of them like the bubblegum flavor?!) 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lane Allen Bradshaw

On the first we welcomed Baby Lane into the world! He measured right in the middle of brother and sister @ 7 lbs 5 oz & 20 inches long. He is such a sweet little blessing & fits right in with out family! 

38 weeks


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

36 weeks

Getting closer! I had my 36 week apt yesterday and was dilated 1.5 cm and baby's head was down! I was relieved because baby's head was still up @ my last sonogram. Dr Dameron still thinks I'll be pregnant next week and that I'll still go to the end of October. She'll be gone the week of the 21st so I hope she is right! 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Glow Run 2013

Last night Chad ran the Glow Run @ Prairie Vista Golf course.

 Since it was at night all of the runners wore fun glow-stuff and the course was marked with lights and glow jugs.  The volunteers wore flashing vests and it looked like a lot of fun! Defintely one I want to do next year when I'm a little less large!! 

Log thought it was pretty cool to see all of the runners with their glow sticks and such running from across the gold course. We left right after Chad finished but one of our friends sent me a message later that chad won a trophy! 
Second in his age division!! I love going to watch Chad race because Logan is always SO proud of his Daddy! Chad usually wins some kind of medal and Log wears it around for the next week telling people that his Daddy won it for him! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sous Chef

I don't do much cooking anymore without at least one little helper. These babies love measuring, mixing, and especially taste testing....and look pretty cute doing it!:) 

Hopefully they've picked up enough to take over the cooking when Baby No Name ( what we lovingly call baby#3 since we can't seem to stick with a name) gets here!;)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

33 weeks

Same shirt....bit of a different look;) This Cabi shirt has (obviously) been one of my faves this pregnancy...I think I'll have to retire it soon though because it's starting to have some trouble containing my growing belly.

Monday, May 13, 2013


How lucky am I to call these two MINE?! These precious kiddos (with the help of their Daddy) treated me so well all Mother's Day weekend:)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!

How SWEET are these pictures?! We had them taken last week during Laura Kruger Photography's Valentine's Day Mini Sessions:) 

 Logan is SO excited to hand out these Valentine's at his school party! (You print it out as a 4x6, fold it in half, and attach it to a sucker or bag of treats)
How handsome is his hair?? He requested the 'mohawk.' Obviously the mustache prop was a BIG hit.
And somehow Laura captured the one smile Lynley gave us during the whole session! You would think such an adorable child would love having her picture taken;) She acts really nervous...and then we usually try to sit her really close to her brother and then that just pushes her over the edge! Haha, sibling love:)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Goals for 2013

Few things in life make me happier than marking things off of a list.  I tend to be scatter brained so lists help me keep focused. This year I have decided to blog my list to keep myself more accountable and also to look back at the end of this year and be able to see what  have accomplished and what I need to transfer on to the next years list:)

As a Family:
-Increase our in, more than a 20 in the offering plate at church, donating to the food bank more than once a year over the holidays, etc, etc. I feel like our family is constantly being blessed and we need to start spreading it around!
-Take more weekend trips. In the past this has intimidated us because we had a couple weekenders when Logan was younger than turned out to be just miserable....but since Log & Lyn have gotten older these trips have become more enjoyable and we always make really good memories!
-Stop eating out so much!! 
As a Mom:
-Stop rushing through things. Sometimes I find myself rushing to the gym, the grocery store, through bath time, and lunch time and I have no idea why....Who do I have to answer to? Who is making my deadlines?? Um, me...So I need to just start taking my time and enjoy this time I have with the kiddos while they are little!
As a Wife:
-Do one extra nice thing for Chad a week. Since I stay at home I find it easy to say I'm doing nice things for Chad every week when really I'm just doing my job.  I don't think folding his socks and picking up his dry cleaning really make him feel special, ha! 
For Me:
-Sub 2:00 Half Marathon
-Be able to do 3 pull ups
Wish me luck:)