Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Few Things...

We tried some prunes tonight....and apparently I was not going fast enough with the spoon!

Sooo...he thought he would try himself... PS I would not suggest this, the aftermath included a sticky, prune smelling camera, and prune splattered walls/pictures/mommy.

Ehhh...Not so sure about the prunes anymore...

Who could resist this little booty shot, haha! Those socks kill me because they look just like his Daddy's!

Logan was rolling around on the ground the other day and spotted a bottle left on his he decided to go for it...

He over shot a little bit on his first try and rolled over the other way....

Ok...well here he is goin the right way but he is getting frusterated... I think he's thinking "Ok, Mom, I know you think this is hilarious but seriously, a little help?"

After Lots of grunts he finally got Grandma Tam to help him out....seriously, he wants to eat while he's on his belly now? I don't know who this kid thinks he is! Everytime I feed him he's squirming around like he wants to move around AND eat....

It's a little blurry, but look! 2 little teef! We'vedefinatly been waiting for these guys! I swear he's been teething for 3 months! He's a drooling machine!


Laura said...

I love that one of him with his mouth wide open waiting for food! Looks just like his daddy!

Unknown said...

wow 2 little teethers!! I just bought Clayton those socks the other day...they stay on really good!!! Looks like he is turning into a little wild man!