Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tanner's Orchard

Since it's hunting season Log and I haave to entertain ourselves (we won't have weekends with Daddy until he gets a deer)...sooo we took a trip to Tanner's Orchard with Tay, Alisha, Brooke, Clayton, and Cindy. Log sitting on a pumpking that is at least 3 of him.

Log and I with the pumkins...
.....I tried to get a cute picture of Log in his little hat before we left...he obviously loooved it!


The Boys got a little rowdy at the orchard...we really had to reign them in.
Little Man with some more pumpkins:)


m said...

Omg how adorable! And the baby with the pumpkins is especially cute :)

Laura said...

OMG! I love that picture of him, I want a copy! They are both so handsome now that they are out of that newborn stage! Looks like you had a lot of fun! At least Chad comes home to you at night!

Laura :)