Grandma Tami got Logan a Jumperoo for Christmas and gave it to him a little early because he REALLY wanted it. You can see from the video that he looooves it! And yes, that Chewbacca like voice you hear on the video is Logan...:)
Monday, December 22, 2008
A Little Christmas
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas Decorating
Before you look at these pictures I just want you to know that I am not, nor do I claim to be Ansel Adams. I took them at night AND apparently I don't have the most steady of hands because a lot of them are blurry....But I had lots of fun decorating this year because I actually got to do more than a tree! ...What I am not looking for is finding a place to store all of this stuff AFTER Christmas.....I guess I'll just cross that bridge when I get to it!
I got this feather tree thing at Eskaba ( I don't know how to do links. It's the neatest little store in Armington. I got this one and another one 50% off because they are fall decorations I guess but I think they are still pretty Christmasy.
My Gram gave me this wreath (and about 20 other things) because she just doesn't have the room for all of her decorations. When I got it it was all gold and not quite my style so I just took it apart and then put it back together! Taylor had to come over and teach me how to make that bow!
More purchases from Eskaba. ShirlGirl gave me those angels for an early Christmas present...SO cute:) AND I'm pretty excited because she called Chad and told him she would be sending me some hand me down decorations...yay!
Of course I had to incorporate a picture of Logan into my Christmas decorating. That upside down thing is a "cloche" I think....Well, it's not but that is what I am trying to get it to look like..I don't know exactly what a cloche is, but Laura got one at Eskaba and it was neat so I thought I would try to have one...I made way to many wreathy things out of that holly berry they are all over.
Awww I love this lantern...mostly because I don't think I'll move it from this spot all year, I'll just put different things inside it.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Log had another playdate with all of his buddies yesterday but I forgot my camera so I will have to wait until the other Mommy's put pictures on their blogs to show you:)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What Logan Has Been Up To!
He has also learned to cough recently and fakes it any chance he gets. I'm pretty sure he thinks he is talking when he does it, silly boy!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Family Pictures
Here are some of my faves from our first family pictures:)
Chad was dissapointed after the pictures because apparently he has a beautiful smile and he should have "lit it up" a little more than he did. Hahaha

Monday, November 3, 2008
Here we've got Logi the Bear, Gavin the Turtle, and of course, Super Emma!
Here are the "two buddies" as Miss Emma would say hanging out before they went trick-or-treating! I feel like Emma should cherish these times. These times when the boys can't walk, talk, or torture her together during these fun visits!

Saftey First! I'm glad Chad and Trav's Uncle Jeff found these light up Devil Horns before we left...Wouldn't want Daddy to get run over by a hay rack driving through town! Which by the way, I think is the smart way to trick-or-treat...After all you can take all of your friends, get to twice as many houses twice as fast and have that much more time to eat all of your candy! The Bad Boy Buggy that chad is dying to have for hunting is starting to sound more and more useful;)
It would have been great if we could have pulled Logan away from the tedious task of trying to find his thumb while we were taking family pictures, but he wasn't having any of that! Ha-ha.
We could not have asked for a better night for Logan's first trick-or-treating experience! We hadn't planned on taking Logan but since it was a gorgeous night and Emma and Gavin were going we figured, why not? I think he, Gavin, and Emma (besides a few scares from a ferocious kitty and super scary puppy) had a great time!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
High Chair Adventures:)
So this morning I was looking around in the coat closet just to see if maybe I stashed a toy or play mat or something that might entertain my grumpy little Logan and I found his high chair....and even though Dr. Cash said he probably wouldn't really be ready for that until around 4 months, we decided to try because after all Daddy really believes that Logy is "advanced." Ha-ha. (and Mommy really needeed to clean her kitchen....) Anyway, he did a great job! I think it calmed him down because he has never really sat in our kitchen so he had a lot of exciting new things to check cabinets, and....the stove, crazy! ;
I probably took 15 pitcures of him and this is the closest I got to him looking at me....He doesn't quite get the picture thing yet.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Logan's First Play Date!
We were very excited when Brooke and Clayton asked us to go to a playdate at Lindsey and Audrey's house! When we got their Logan was sleeping because car rides always send him into a bit of a he is resting up for the big playdate!
Audrey is not a big fan of tummy time but she was a trooper for a couple of pictures! Can you believe Logan is only one day older than her?? She is such a petite little girl!! The difference between the girls and the boys was so cute! The girls even had little girly cries!
All the babies in a row:) Kinley, Clayton, Logan (the chubby one with the Hammer Pants on, haha), Audrey, and Ethan... Clayton could not be bothered to wake up for pictures, we even tried stripping him to get him up, but nothing worked!
I think there was a little love connection between Audrey and Logan.
She kept a pretty tight grip on Logan's shirt to make sure he didn'tgo anywhere when we were taking pictures:)
Ohhh! look who woke up:) Clayton is already almost as long as Logan and they are a month apart...he does still have some room to catch up in the tummy department though!
Ha-Ha look at Clayton sticking out his tounge....I only got a few pics of these two that were not action shots because one of them is always moving!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Yesterday was Logy's 2 month birthday and today was his 2 month well baby checkup. He weighs 13 lbs 8 oz. and is 24 inches long, big boy! While Mommy had her visit with the doctor Logan flirted with all the nurses...I think that is why he was sooo suprised when they gave him his shots, he thought he had made some friends! I have never heard the little guy cry like he did when he got his shots....I mean, I almost started was traumatic for both of us. After a few minutes though, Logan and Mommy both pulled it together and Logan took a snooze. This is Logan recovering from his rough morning.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Bath Time:)
Logy loves bath time...I left out the more revealing photos so as not to embarass the little guy. I'll save those for when his little girly friends come over when he's about 14, I think he'll really appreciate this.

We have lots of action shots from bath time with Logan. His little arms and legs go crazy, I think we have a little Michael Phelps on our hands!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tanner's Orchard
Since it's hunting season Log and I haave to entertain ourselves (we won't have weekends with Daddy until he gets a deer)...sooo we took a trip to Tanner's Orchard with Tay, Alisha, Brooke, Clayton, and Cindy.
Log sitting on a pumpking that is at least 3 of him.
Log and I with the pumkins...
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